Android (G1) Emulator

If you want to play with a G1 (HTC's new Android phone for T-Mobile) in advance, you can download the emulator and do with it almost everything you can do with the actual handset.

  1. Download the SDK
  2. Extract the archive
  3. Download Jeffrey Sharkey's G1 skin for the emulator
  4. Install the skin in android-sdk-*/tools/lib/images/skins
  5. cd android-sdk-*/tools
  6. ./emulator -skin G1
You can change the orientation (portrait/landscape) by hitting the 7 key on the numeric keypad (with NumLock off).  You may want to read the documentation to learn about the other options the emulator has, as well as how to trigger simulated events, such as an incoming call.

James E. Blair

I love hacking Free Software and have been fortunate to do so professionally with some wonderful people and organizations throughout my career. This is my blog.
